Visiting rules
If you want to help us protect the Průhonice Park and Botanical Garden, please:
- do not leave marked pathways. They are safer and provide the most beautiful vistas!
- keep your dog on a leash and do not let it run around. Plants, park wildlife and other visitors all appreciate it greatly!
- do not ride your bike or adult scooter. Leave your horse behind, too, only Count Silva-Tarouca was allowed to ride in the park grounds.
- do not drive motor vehicles inside the Park (incl. segways, motor scooters, longboards, hoverboards, etc.). Scooters for the disabled are the only exception to this rule.
- do not swim, sled, ski, or skate in the Park. Why don´t you build a snowman instead?
- do not damage or steal plants, parts of plants, seeds, or fruits, do not disturb Park wildlife.
- do not litter; keep quiet, no camping, no drugs or alcohol, no smoking or open flames.
- do not damage, steal, or otherwise interfere with Park property and expositions.
- do not film or take pictures without permission, except ordinary tourist photography and/or film; no drones.
Visitor rules Photography and film